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16. juni 2009

2 pairs in 52 weeks

No, it's not a misprint, I'm not one of those crazy sock people who're planning to make one pair of socks every week for a whole year! Have a look at their Ravelry group 52 pair plunge III and blog. I'm not a sock knitter, I made one sock a couple of years ago, and before that I hadn't made a sock in years. But I must admit I get inspired by all the beautiful socks out there. Pinneguri has already made #4 of 52 pairs. She's also inspired me to buy a German sock knitting book: Socken aus aller Welt.

I did learn German at school, but knitting vocabulary was not part of the curriculum - so we'll see...

My ambition for the next year is, as the title indicates, to make 2 - two - pairs of socks: One in stranded pattern, maybe
these or these, and one pair of lace socks, these maybe (photo from the book):

But why does sock patterns have such tight gauge? I'm a loose knitter, and I hate using needles thinner then 2,5 mm. So how the ...... am I going to get a gauge of 36 sts / 10 cm?

1 kommentarer:

torirot sa...

Jeg tror ikke jeg har pinner nr 2 en gang, verken strømpepinner eller stor rundpinne... kanskje en liten investering er på sin plass med tanke på mine store sokkeambisjoner?

Og nå er du kommet til sokkepar nummer seks allerede, ikke før jeg hadde skrevet dette innlegget, så var det to par til!!

Lykke til med de neste 46 parene
:-D jeg skal følge med.

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