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18. april 2011

Football hats for free

All the patterns are now free, and can be downloaded here or on Ravelry.

Thanks to all those of you who have contributed for new football fields, it's been greatly appreciated!

6 kommentarer:

RodPrjónar sa...

Did you knit all these hats?!
They are so cool... especially for those who love football!!

Nina sa...

Oh noes, I have to make sure that my boy doesn't see these, I bet he'd ask for one. And I'm just not that good at colorwork. Or is that intarsia? Well, either way, not good at it. :D

torirot sa...

RodPrjónar - yes, I did. And I have sold the hats and the patterns to raise monye for football fields for the children in Lillehammer.
Nina - hide your computer! It's all stranded colorwork, I don't like intarsia so much. You should give it a try :-)

skb sa...

Heia Brann! Etter eg har budd i Bergen i snart 20 år har eg forstått at ein må heie på Brann for å kvalifisere som bergenser. Skarre-R er ikkje eit tema, ungane ler av meg når eg prøver å skarre :D

God påske!

randi K design sa...

Saa flotte!!!!

AnnetteK sa...

Skal si det har blitt noen fotballuer etter hvert!!
Flink du er!!

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