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4. august 2011

Optimal number of wips?

What if I only could start a new project after finishing two wips? How long would it take to reduce the number of wips to one? Is it at all possible? Or desirable?

6 kommentarer:

Judith sa...

Jeg har maange pågående, de fleste blir ferdige på kort eller lang sikt, andre blir liggende og til slutt til opprekksgarn...
Syns det er optimalt å ha mange jeg, for da er det alltid et eller annet å strikke på i de periodene jeg ikke er kreativ nok til å komme på noe nytt.

Flowermouse Design ❀ Lone sa...

After taking my knitting to a new level this winter (before it was just a sweater at a time) I have several projects. And I love them all, well most of them. Enjoy the stitches without beeing a "good girl". Ut med flink pike syndromet. La det flomme over av prosjekter!!!

Mary Lou sa...

I say unless you are on a deadline or knitting is your job, have as many WIP as you want. You will get fewer FO's of course, but that is another questions.

Carolina sa...

I find that I am happiest with about 6 WIPs but feel it's a very personal decision. Sometimes I waste time because I have failed to write down details and much later pick up a project again, but I think it's worth it for the variety.

Anonym sa...

My mum is always telling me off for having so many WIPs, but I like to switch between things. Some days you might feel more like colourwork or a different weight, so I say at least 3 WIPs seems sensible! I think I'd draw the line at about 10 though, and attempt to finish 1 or 2 before starting a new one.

Snowcatcher sa...

I'd still NEVER get done! Ever!

You have some incredibly wonderful work here!

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