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10. mai 2012


I've been meaning to tell you about our trip to Stockholm. But it is taking time, with four football playing boys, May is probably the most busy month of the year. Not good for blogging, nor knitting. 

But Stockholm was great! Weather was nice and sunny, leaves were green, flowers pink. 

We walked a lot, in "City", "Gamla Stan" (Old Town) and Sødermalm. There were lots of tourists. Which is no surprise, because Stockholm is a beautiful city. And although I love Oslo, I must admit, Stockholm is something else.

Before leaving, Johanne ("Born to knit") sent me several ideas on where to go for crafters. Here's one yarn shop in Gamla Stan. The shawl is just beautiful! But I am not patient enough...  

Also in Gamla Stan we came a cross a fun and colourful yarn shop: HappyColor. I just had to make some photos, only to see afterwards that photographing is forbidden. A bit weird, I think. But I won't break the rule, so no photos from me. But someone else has taken photos, allowed or not. Have a look here.

Of course there were coffee breaks!
The last day, we went bananas in this ribbon and button store!
Mattsons Band, thanks Johanne,  we would not have found it if it weren't for you.

Paradise for buttons lovers!

Buttons and ribbons, for a coat - when I find the time....

Looking for the king!

3 kommentarer:


Stockholm er en herlig by! Mattsons Band snublet vi også over da vi var der. Det var så mye å velge i der at jeg ble helt handlingslammet og fikk ikke kjøpt noen ting...


Hei igjen! Det ligger en utfordring til deg inne på bloggen min - om du har tid og lyst. Ha en finfin helg!

torirot sa...

Kjenner og kjenner, Pinneguri...
Hun sendte meg masse tips da jeg etterlyste det på bloggen, veldig hyggelig. Vi fikk ikke til å treffes, men kanskje neste gang. Stockholm er i hvert fall en by å reise tilbake til. Særlig siden jeg ikke fikk sett noe Visjøgarn :-)

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