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2. november 2010

Hooray for cross-global mitten knitting fun!

I was very lucky to have the talented and experienced mitten designer Elli, from Elliphantom knits, test knit the English version of my Blomst mitten pattern. That was very helpful indeed. The mitten pattern is now available in English as well as in Norwegian. They have also been test knitted by ocbchick.

The English version of "Selbu meets Holland" mitten pattern is also ready for sale, test knitted by MaryjoO and janebowman . Thank you, test knitters!

And I was lucky to test knit Elliphantom's new mitten pattern, Sprig mittens! A fun, cute and quick project, one mittten took me about five hours to finish.

Details: Needles 4.5 and 5.5 mm

Yarn: Green: Tykk entrådet alpakka from Du store alpakka (discontinued). White: Misti from Du store alpakka (incredibly soft)

Size: My size! My stitch gauge was a little tighter than called for in the pattern, but the yarn is wonderfully soft and the resulting fabric is stretchy, so they are a prefect fit. My row gaug ewas right, and they are long enough for my medium sized hands.

Hooray for cross-global mitten knitting fun!

2 kommentarer:

Mary Lou sa...

They look great. And now my guilt and shame at not finishing the test knit are relieved. Well, not entirely.

elli sa...

Which reminds me...I need to post about my Blomst Mittens! They are so pretty :)

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