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22. desember 2011

♥ 22 ♥ The King's Ginger bread recipe

I don't know if the king makes ginger bread cookies,
but my mother's old ginger bread recipe is called
The King's Ginger Bread

My mother has written a warning -
"these are the good cookies,
but the house falls down if you put a chimney on top of it"

Ginger bread house 2003
As you see, this house from 2003 has no chimney.

Ginger bread house 2004: Church
Later I became more adventourous,
this is the church from 2004.

Ginger bread house 2005: Castle
Here's a castle from 2005,
inspired by Harry Potter.

God jul - Feliz navidad - Joyeux Noël - Frohe Weihnachten - Merry Christmas
Last year we made a wind mill.
Photo is taken before the wings broke.
So probably my mother had a point about the chimney note.

Remember today is your last chance to join the

Tomorrow I hope I can show you the 2011 Ginger bread house!

2 kommentarer:

Mary Lou sa...

if he doesn't he is missing something!

torirot sa...

Pinneguri, jeg synes ikke Lambda-bygget var spesielt fint, og har ingen sterke følelser i forhold til det, men synes jo det hadde vært fint med et Munchmuseum i Bjørvika. Og det er bare hyggelig med litt engasjement på bloggen, ingen grunn til å beklage.
Vi baker ikke så mye til jul, men pepperkakehus må vi ha, og helst en ny versjon hvert år, og i år hadde vi ingen ideer før plutselig Lambda-ideen kom.

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