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4. april 2010

Easter postcard

"Dear Pinneguri,

I hope you've had a nice Easter holiday. Thank you so much for your invitation to tell about my "Påsketur" (Easter trip).

The photo shows me (ie my feet) in front of the fireplace. I made the socks many years ago, for my husband, actually. But I've sort of taken them back, because he never uses them. I think they're too small, and probably it's not his colours, either. (I don't really blame him, and I'm happy to have the socks to myself ;-) )

We celebrated Easter in what is supposed to be a traditional Norwegain Easter holiday: With family, in a mountain cottage, skiing, playing in the snow, reading crime novels (well, acutally, I read Knausgård), eating chocolate and oranges, playing cards and other games. This should be combined with s u n, and the smell of sunscreen, which was not the case this year. It was cloudy and snowy.

Wool is an essential part of such an Easter holiday.

I made this clothes hanger at school when I was about eleven. I remember I had sewn it together with blue yarn, and my teacher made me unravel it and do it over with yellow and blue yarn alternating. I found her extremely stupid!

I also had the opportunity to get a modelled photo of my brother's last Christmas gift, "L
atvian hat".

I understand you went abroad for your holiday, Pinneguri, that was probably a good idea. But in spite of the weather, we all agreed it was an nice Easter. And now, we're looking forwards to a warm and sunny spring! Have a nice day!

Best wishes, Torirot

PS Of course there was some knitting too, more about that later."

3 kommentarer:

torirot sa...

Hva jeg syns om Knausgård? Var skeptisk før jeg begynte, så mange sider om en tilsynelatende vanlig mann født samme år som meg? Men det er fasinerende lesning. Noen ganger pinlig, noen ganger morsomt, noen ganger rørende, noen ganger kjedelig, noen ganger trist. Og som meg jobbet han som ufaglært lærer i Nord-Norge rett etter gymnaset (bok 4), dvs samtidig med meg - det er litt morsomt å tenke på. Som meg, ble han heller ikke lærer. Men så mye mer enn det har vi nok ikke felles.

Skautrollet sa...

Koselige hyttebilder. Masse fine farger i det du lager....

Judith sa...

Fine gensere! Lekre farger som ikke går av moten!

Har du strikket noe fint i gult også? Det er min nye fargeutfordring! Hilsen Judith

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