What's wrong with this hat?
Second, the pattern is too big, and covers more than half the hat, so you don't really see what it is. Or do you?
Third, the text should have been placed under the gun, in stead of over.
Fourth, I don't remember..
Otherwise, the hat is ok. The receiver is happy. And so am I. I have learnt a new stitch pattern that I used for the border. Found it on Liselotte's blog (Danish). She calls it "vævestrik". I don't know what it's called in English, literally translated it would be "weaving stitch" or something like that. It's quite simple, you only use one colour at a time, slipping the other stitches. Liselotte has made a nice photo tutorial. It gives a nice firm border.
As for the pattern, I'm thinking of remaking it using a thinner yarn, so you see the text and the motif more clearly. But my to-do-list is getting long... And spring is here...
1 kommentarer:
It's a great hat. I see nothing wrong with it... hmmm.
Well done!
(Note: I found you by accident today by typing in the words "the hat was wrong" to search for something specific.)
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