26. august 2009
21. august 2009
My corset tank top
I finished my corset tank top this summer - it was a fun knit, easier than I thought it would be, and the result is even better than I hoped. It's definitely a pattern I would recommend to lace newbies, and I might make it again.
I used Brilla from my stash. Didn't think of this pattern at first, but then I searched Ravelry projects that had used Brilla, and I found Marnie's tank. I asked her how much she had used, and saw that I would probably have enough. Isn't Ravelry a great resource? (Later I realised my skeins were not the same lot, and the nuances were quite different. So I bought some multicoloured Brilla, and worked 1-4 rounds og yellow and 1-3 of multicoloured.) I used appr. 6 skeins altogether.
Looks strange when not worn..
Modifications: Worked in the round - partly because the colour changes made that the easiest, partly because I don't like purling, partly because I don't like sewing buttons (all in all - because I'm lazy...)
17. august 2009
New blog design
I was happy when I managed to get a left sidebar earlier this summer. But after a while I dicovered some bugs - some links weren't showing properly, they would only show when you moved the mouse over them - a little annoying. So I redid everything, this time using a free template from bloggerbuster. I think it's ok now. I don't like spending so much time on these things. I had to redo some of the widgets in the sidebar, but I got the label cloud I've been wanting automatically.
More interesting, Twist Collective Autumn 2009 is up. I have just browsed it quickly, and these are my faves so far: Piper by Christa Giles, and Vine yoke cardigan by Ysolda Teague.
15. august 2009
Nice things seen in Gothenburg

I also found a nice yarn store, Strikk.
"Strikk" means "knit" in Swedish
(and in Norwegian, these are closely related languages)