On Tuesday we hired a car and went for a ride. As mentioned, lots of events were not situated in Lerwick, as we originally thought (too lttle reasearch befor leaving..) Anyway, we had a car, and I was in the passernger seat knitting, and watching out in case the driver forgot what side of the road to drive. But as someone pointed out, many roads are so narrow, it doesn't really matter...
We saw many sheep. These sheep with their black heads, is my idea of a British sheep. Most Norwegian sheep have the same colour all over. (I'm not a sheep expert, as you might have guessed already..)
While driving, we wondered about the warnings about plants crossing the road ("Heavy plant crossing"), imagining scary, carnicorous plants crossing the road. (We later asked someone who could explain the disambiguation - plants being agricultural machinery that has to cross the road from time to time).
I love the colours and the patterns on this sweater, but the place we saw it is not worth mentioning here.
In Virkie we visited Shetland Colletcion Open Studio. There was fair isle and lace, I wrote about it
here, too.

There were several drawers full of fair isle swatches!
We had a demonstration on how to
knit with a belt, but she was not able to convert us to this way of knitting in the round with three long double pointed needles. But it was interesting to see.
We also made a small stop at
Nielanell Gallery. On the way back north we stopped at the
beach by
St. Ninians Isle
We tried to get a photo of my, my sheep heid and some sheep, but some of the models were not very cooperative.
We stopped for
lunch in Scalloway. We just took this quick photo of the castle, it was starting to rain a little, and we were hungry. Next time I'd like to see more of
Scalloway. The lunch was delicious, and the hotel owner (?) was vere enthusiasthic (not about us staying at the Shetland hotel in Lerwick, but about us visiting Shetland in general, and the
Scalloway hotel specifically). He showed us the dining hall and some of the rooms, where all the curtains and
the chairs are made from Shetland Wool Fabric.
Next stop was Weisdale, the
Bonhoga Gallery at the old Weisdale mill. There was a nice little gift shop, an exhibition we really enjoyed,
Text Isles – Swap Box at Bonhoga Gallery, and a cafe in the basement, with a view to the small river (we wondered how this river could have run a mill, but we're obviously no mill experts). The event calendar had called this a place to "Knit and Relax", which we of course did, having coffee and cake.
We could not relax too long, though, since we wanted to get back to the Ravelry meet up at Jamieson & Smith at 6 o'clock. You can see photos at the
J&S blog, I just noticed there is a photo of me and my friend there, talking to a fellow raveler, Amanda.
It was a nice evening. Cathy informed us about her
StitchMastery chart editing software. I volunteered to be a betatester for her new colourwork version. Which reminds me, I had promised to send her an e-mail. So that was Tuesday, four weeks ago, during the Wool Week in Shetland.
ETA - here's
another post from Tuesday, by frisianfrillies, with photos from the meet up, you can see both me, my friend, Cathy and Liz.