Never ending story
When I finsished this summer's football hats, I promised myself I would not make another hat till after Christmas. But I haven't been able to keep that promise. At the end of the football season (which in Norway is in October..), the ten year old's football trainers were to receive a gift. One ManU fan and another Liverpool. I knitted, the other parents paid money to the football field project and the trainers were happy.
One of the mothers told me she had been an Aston Villa fan since childhood, because she liked the sound of the team's name. And now they even have a Norwegian player, John Carew. So, a hat for Cathinka: The pattern (in English)is available for purchase, 4 £.
I made the Brann hat this summer, and the pattern is now updated with a child version with earflaps. You can download it here for 50 nkr (Norwegian pattern)
This is not a football hat, but the pattern is still sold for football fields. A lot of Norwegian kids play both football and ice hockey. This is the hat for the local hockey club, LIK.

So, if you need a quick gift before Christmas, go ahead!
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