"Wearing my yellow birds for the first time!"
In Spanish they have one word meaning "wear for the first time" - estrenar. I like that! We don't have a similar word in Norwegian, and, as far as I know, not in English either (correct me if I'm wrong!)
So here I am, wearing my yellow birds:
This was such a fun knit (apart from the currogated ribbing, that is). I can see why Jettshin has made so many. I have another one in my head - but there are other projects to finish first...

My gauge is 23 for the body (needles 2,5 mm) and 28 for the yoke (needles 3,0 mm). It sounds like a huge difference, but the fit is perfect. The yellow yarn from Ninukka is a little thinner than Wollmeise, but it doesn’t matter, I think.
This was my first project with Wollmeise, and I do see why people love the yarn som much. My problem is that we have a meeting at work every Friday morning when the shop updates, so it's hard to get. We might have to change our meeting time...

EDIT June 26: For some reason, the commenting link on this post is invisible, but the comments are still there, and you can still click on the where the link is supposed to be, and make a comment. Don't know what's happening to Blogger - any ideas?