Cycle race hat!
Thanks to Gitte, Monstermønster , and Anne for comments on my blogpost about left over ideas. (And thanks to Gitte for encouraging comment yesterday). Monstermønster says she makes mittens from her scrap yarn. She sure makes other things too, have a look at her scrap yarn projects. And Anne makes socks!
And lately; I've been making hats from my scrap yarn. I'm back from holiday with a few FOs to show you, here's the first one.
And lately; I've been making hats from my scrap yarn. I'm back from holiday with a few FOs to show you, here's the first one.

Pattern is the Cycle Race Beanie, by Sandra Jäger.
She makes lots of fun, small colourwork projects and charts.
The hat is for a colleague who turned 29 for the 11th time this summer.
She usually rides a bike to work, all year round. In winter she'll need a hat (if she can fit it under her helmet).
- Different edging, used the edging with earflaps from this pattern, and then a latvian braid.
- Changed the number charts with initials and some other numbers and stripes.
- The original hat looked a little puckery on the top. So I decreased 18 sts before the crown decreases, reducing the number of bikes on top of the hat from 8 to 7, which worked fine, I think.
8 kommentarer:
That is so cool!!! Something for tour de france... LOL!!
I love it:)
Denne luen kan jo bli en hit blant Birkensyklistene ;)
Jeg burde ha slik jeg også. Jeg som ikke kan forestille meg et liv uten sykkel.
Ha en fin søndag.
Stilig. Må kanskje strikke en til mannen som tråkker til jobb hver dag året gjennom.
Fin cykelmössa. Det är intressant med färger, att se hur det blir.
Jo, det är väldigt kul att sticka mössor. Problemet är att man bara har ett huvud.
Wow! For en herlig lue! Fargene, mønsteret alt! Perfekt bruk av restegarn! :)
nofscoVar inne och tittade hos Sandra Jäger för första gången. Tips att titta dit från sida - tack för det!
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