"Gammelfjøset" - The old cowshed
Today we had "Fastelavensboller" (Carnival buns, buns with whipped cream). On Wikipedia, you can read that Carnival in Denmark is called Fastelavn. In Norway too.
There's a very cosy and relaxed atmosphere.

To the left in this photo, there's an old tool on the wall.
I believe this one was used for treating flax, to make yarn.
(A "hekle" in Norwegian, heckling comb in English.)
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
And isn't this a beautiful wall hanging.
And isn't this a beautiful wall hanging.
As far as I could see, it is woven, and then embroidered.
4 kommentarer:
Linhekle er helt riktig! Det er steg 3 i prosessen, etter "bråking" og "skaking". Nyttig lærdom fra sommerjobb på Maihaugen, også utprøvd i praksis!
Jeg har også jobba på Maihaugen, skjønner du, i mange somre, men det begynner å bli lenge siden, så jeg er litt rusten når det gjelder foredling av lin...
What a cute cafe! It looks like a great place to warm up in.
That looks like a heavenly spot to celebrate Mardi Gras! And I just purchased your baby blanket in Kauni. It is so sweet, and I have some babies coming up to knit for. I wonder if it would work with MiniMochi, which is softer than Kauni, but I don't know if the color repeats are as long.
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